Corey Pickett
They say it’s not over till the fat lady sings, well what if she’s riding a 6 foot unicycle ?
Corey Pickett expertly guides us on our journey through “Circus and other Time-wasters”.
Check him Out!

Circus and other Time-wasters telling comic tales, exposing us to the inner workings of the jugglers mind and the hours of blood, sweat and tears culminating in a finale that has to be seen to be believed! Six feet in the air, balanced on one wheel, wearing a dress and singing his little heart out in a shower of confetti, Corey Pickett towers over his audience as the curtain falls.
A show that is as skillful as it is ridiculous, equally full of laughs and pathos, “Circus and other Time-wasters” promises to entertain and enthrall young and old alike.
Forget getting dressed up and sitting for hours in a stuffy opera house when you can see a bite-sized opera perfect for the modern day attention span.